British Medical Association Welsh Council Elections 2014 – 2017

Statement as a candidate for election:


I am a medical practitioner (MB, BS, 1980) resident in Wales since 1991. I left my employment with Cardiff University in 2012 to pursue my medical education career and I am now in practice as a Clinical Medical Educationist. The guiding principles in my practices are based on andragogy and humanism, and the prime ethical principle of autonomy for the individual and in population health.


I am standing for election to the BMA’s Welsh Council from the Branch of Practice “…those members in practice but not covered by the other specified professional groups”.


I believe the BMA’s Welsh Council have lost contact with the principle of autonomy and with the majority of doctors in Wales. The key example of these losses is the policy in support of deemed consent for the removal of body parts through the Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013.


As a resident in Wales, I use the NHS and I am aware of the strengths and weaknesses compared to the NHS in England. We are spared the damage of “marketisation” but we are suffering from increasing waiting times and higher mortality rates. The BMA’s Welsh Council are not prominent in their criticism of the Assembly Government on these issues.


If elected to the Council I shall provide an independent and constructive voice and I shall not be like those doctors who change their ethics once they are inside the BMA’s committees (“the system”).


Further information about me and my views is available at:


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About Iain Robbe

I am a medical practitioner (MB, BS, 1980; MRCS, LRCP, 1980) registered with the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic I have reactivated my licence to practise and I am providing telephone support to vulnerable elderly to assist them during the pandemic. I remain active as a Clinical Medical Educationist participating in a number of projects with the universities of St Mary’s and Dalhousie in Nova Scotia and Mount Allison in New Brunswick, inter alia, and separately with three of the veterinary schools in the UK. My focus is on teaching and research in professionalism, ethics, and communications, and particularly the influences of vernacular architecture on the creation of positive learning experiences in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. I have the degree of Master in Public Health from the University of London (1985) and the degree of Master in Medical Education with distinction from the University of Wales (2001). The guiding principles in my practices are based on andragogy and humanism, and the prime ethical principle of autonomy for the individual and in population health.

One thought on “British Medical Association Welsh Council Elections 2014 – 2017

  1. Pingback: Shock Election Result | Dr Iain J Robbé

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