Real medical education

I have recently returned from another enjoyable, productive visit to the Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, Newfoundland (MUN). There was a tremendous buzz around the new curriculum, interviewing for the entry class of 2014, and the social accountability work. It is such a medical education-friendly environment.


My activities included a Phase I debriefing session on the recent community engagement placement and assessing students’ reflective portfolios and photographic records. There was also another case study/problem based learning session with a strong professionalism element. I am co-supervising a student selected special project about social accountability.




Interviewing for the entry class of 2014 who will graduate with their MD in the Class of 2018 was fascinating and brilliantly organised. We were comparing multiple mini-interviews with traditional interviews. I was interviewing on the themes of cultural and societal awareness which related well to my research using Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual frameworks.




The Faculty’s application for recognition of excellence in social accountability was submitted ahead of the deadline. The application includes a 30 page document, an independent statement by the Medical Students Society, and 26 appendices.



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About Iain Robbe

I am a medical practitioner (MB, BS, 1980; MRCS, LRCP, 1980) registered with the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic I have reactivated my licence to practise and I am providing telephone support to vulnerable elderly to assist them during the pandemic. I remain active as a Clinical Medical Educationist participating in a number of projects with the universities of St Mary’s and Dalhousie in Nova Scotia and Mount Allison in New Brunswick, inter alia, and separately with three of the veterinary schools in the UK. My focus is on teaching and research in professionalism, ethics, and communications, and particularly the influences of vernacular architecture on the creation of positive learning experiences in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. I have the degree of Master in Public Health from the University of London (1985) and the degree of Master in Medical Education with distinction from the University of Wales (2001). The guiding principles in my practices are based on andragogy and humanism, and the prime ethical principle of autonomy for the individual and in population health.

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